Category Archives: Learning man festival

My Learning man adventure…

We arrived on the Friday the 30th December.   After arriving after a week long road trip from East London.

It was lovely to be back and to see everyone’s faces!

For a year or more,we have been friends on facebook, since our last meeting and I have seen your thoughts and comments.

Because we are from East London, It’s like being from a different tribe in this one family of brothers and sisters.

Beautiful beings beamed through my point of view and I almost wanted to run to each and everyone and say hello.

I contained myself and could not wait for the drumming that evening.

When the drumming started I danced and danced and embraced all in a dance of rekindling spirits!

Gratitude for that moment overwhelmed my senses and my feet drummed the Earth as I greeted the ancient Oak trees that were watching us.

I felt safe and welcomed in the sacred circle of Trees.

The Trees were the collective energy of trees all the world over and they sat in council observing us humans…and in deep contemplation.

The next day my instinct wanted to dress in blue and red… I went with it and went to do the Sun dance in the circle of Dreams.

I arrived and entered the circle barefooted and with the intention to balance feminine and masculine energies in this universe.

I danced the dance of freedom for all beings.  Human beings, Animal beings and Plant beings.  Freedom from debt for human beings and

freedom from the 3rd dimension for all animals in captivity.

Humans debt are chained to an under the sea steel contraption,  In the dance I cut these chains and pray for freedom for humans as we have never been so close to our freedom than ever before in time.

Then I take the animals in captivity and I raise their vibration to that of the 5th dimension.

The main whale I communicate to is called Tilikum.  He passed over to the 5th dimension a week later.

Then I danced the song of Organic greening of the Earth.  I pray to the Sun and ask the Sun to bless the vision of an organic greening of the World.

I see schools greened themselves and the people honored the land.  Food forests took hands and covered the Earth with a forest blanket of vital food and shelter.

The Tree council, representing the Tree of life and the Goddess, together danced for the Sun the vision of Organic greening of Africa.

The Sun was happy and shone brighter!

The next day I dressed in the Nomvula the Greeninglady costume and I danced for the Sun the Sundance in celebration of the new year.  A Portal of possibilities opened…

It was an hour later than the usual time that I usually dance.

I danced and danced and danced and moments stood still and flowed into the next.  The forest opened the doors and I looked down a long path of trees.

I danced so much that I burnt 5 blisters on each foot…

For a dancer this is a compliment…to dance till the energy gets so intense it burns through you.

When human, sound, movement and intention align…doors open to other dimensions!

But it’s all about the alignment, one hour out and you might get burnt!

Thank you for Ormus cream, my feet were better the next day.

Today I still have my five blisters on each foot and I feel honored to have them reminding me of that moment in time where I walked into a place and it felt like Heaven!

Thank you to you all for making it so special and magical.

We can not wait to see you all soon again!

May the rain fall on your dreams and may those dreams flower into that paradise we all dream of!